The holiday binge is often inevitable. Temptation is literally at your fingertips and even the strongest of us find it difficult to say “no thanks” to those tasty treats taunting us on the dinner table.
If you have thrown caution to the wind and given into temptation, all it takes is some smart eating and a little extra exercise to get your healthy-self back on track. Here are five top tips for bouncing back after a holiday binge.
Let it go
The guilt that plagues us following a binge can be more damaging than the actual overeating. Move on and just consider it a temporary setback. Ignore the scales and instead remember the holiday memories that have just been created. Don’t starve yourself as penance. This will only make your body store more fat. Regroup and focus on a balanced, healthy routine.
Goal setting
Gain back control by writing down your plan of attack for the following days, weeks and month. Plan your meals and increase your exercise. When you have written down clear goals, your mind starts to focus more on how to achieve those goals. Even the smallest of actions lead to big results.
Get moving
Exercise is often the first thing that falls to the wayside during the holiday season. Put aside time every day to exercise and after that first workout, you’ll start feeling more like you again. Try booking in a class at your local studio if you need to be held accountable. Better yet, invite a friend along. Research shows that the key to sticking with fitness is all about starting slowly and doing it with friends(1). It’s even easier if you start with something simple like an indoor cycling class.
Eat smart
Plan your meals and stick with it. Start the day with a protein packed breakfast and a green smoothie on the side. A good breakfast will keep you fuller for longer and help you eat less throughout the day.
It’s important to drink lots of water throughout the day (and every day for that matter). Water aids energy levels and brain function. Also, drinking water before meals (around two glasses) can help some people feel fuller and eat less during meals (2,3,4)
1) J.C. Gottschall, J. , Jones, J. , Mills, J. and Hastings, B. (2013) Group fitness is effective in reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors in healthy adults. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3, 132-140. doi:10.4236/ojpm.2013.31017.
2) Davy, B. M., Dennis, E. A., Dengo, A. L., Wilson, K. L., & Davy, K. P. (2008). Water consumption reduces energy intake at a breakfast meal in obese older adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(7), 1236-1239.
3) Walleghen, E. L., Orr, J. S., Gentile, C. L., & Davy, B. M. (2007). Pre‐meal Water Consumption Reduces Meal Energy Intake in Older but Not Younger Subjects. Obesity, 15(1), 93-99.
4) Dennis, E. A., Dengo, A. L., Comber, D. L., Flack, K. D., Savla, J., Davy, K. P., & Davy, B. M. (2010). Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle‐aged and Older Adults. Obesity, 18(2), 300-307.